Progressive Half Time: Emergency Preparedness Update
Rob Sills, MBA
Sills Healthcare Solutions
Rob Sills is responsible for oversight of daily operations, strategic planning, physician relations, capital equipment, budgets, supplies, compliance, staffing, recruitment, policy and procedures, education of staff and management, patient relations, and scheduling and evaluating the administration of medical services at a multi-specialty clinic.
Rob is the Disaster Preparedness Officer for all Scripps Health Ambulatory Clinics, an active member of the American College of Healthcare Executives, and Medical Unit Leader for San Diego County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Detail.
Do you have questions about the new Emergency Preparedness Condition? Is your facility totally compliant and ready for a survey? Come get your questions answered regarding:
- Risk Assessment and Planning
- Policies and Procedures
- Communication Plan
- Training and Testing Program
- Training and Testing Requirements